The workshop is linked to the contents of PSHE:Gambling approved by the NHS. click here Our aim is to show the difference between Chasing Losses and Chasing Dreams.
We are a team filled with passion to deliver a simple 3 point lesson to as many 11-16 year olds across Great Britain via our motto "Every Child, Every School, Every Year". Built upon the 46 years of Lived Experience of the company Principal and Founder ranging from experiencing the 9 signs of a problem gambler at the age of 16 as a paperboy, to owning a Horseracing company at the age of 28, to setting up a website in May 2004 to warn the Labour Government about the proposed Gambling Bill and the implications on future generations embracing booming Online Industry.
All our workshops are suitable for Year7- Year 11 with safeguarding principles embedded into its delivery. Our workshops are delivered in the UK (excluding Scotland and Northern Ireland) and are BIO EO based (Bouncing Ideas Off Each Other).
Allowing the young adults to figure things out for themselves is what we pride ourselves on, in our attempt to find the balance between education and entertainment.
Price quoted is the price paid (no hidden extras) and we follow strict safeguarding policies, but expect the schools to secure insurance cover for the day. The workshops facilitators hold enhanced DBS certificates and are graduates of our internal induction training course.
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